Aguenus Art
The Art Of Being
Whether this is your first visit to my site, or you’re a returning visitor, I’d like to thank you for opening your heart and mind to the power of Art. I am a professional Teacher with 30 years of teaching experience and a self taught artist. I am certified in Trauma Recovery, Taking Flight International. I have a Graduate Certificate in Spiritually-Informed Creative Arts, St. Stephens College. I have completed many graduate level courses in Psychotherapy, Expressive Art Therapy, Drama Therapy, Play Therapy, Art Therapy, and Grief and Loss. I have studied a number of healing modalities including Shamanism, Reiki, Cellular healing, Meditation, Vipassana and Kriya yoga. I have been blessed with insight that allows me to help others on their own path to self discovery, empowerment and transformation.
Please contact me for a creatively unique and powerful experience.

Aguenus (Angela Hall)
So many stories and where does one begin when you can be both the fool and the sage?
Whenever I describe myself with words, I am gnawed at like a bone among lost dogs.
I have sold my soul many times to the past by measuring her out to the future.
And yet here I am trying to be something under the title biography.
We all want to feel safe when in the presence of another. The same feeling we get when are nestled in our homes.
I understand this and search through words to build a house for you. Then perhaps you will knock on my door?
For every time I greet a stranger, it is I who is returning home.
My Journey
I can be everything and nothing,
It is standards that draws the line.
If you could hear my heart it would tell you-
I belong, I belong, I belong.
I belong to the Earth and the Sky.
I belong to the sound of silence and the song of life.
I hold that which is all and all can be emptiness.
They say won't, don't, can't!
My heart says love, trust, just be.
It is a much higher power that has brought me here,
Even I don't understand.
I am happy just to watch,
I learn best that way.
If one should need me to use my gifts and I look the other way,
To comfort me from the voices of others,
What would my Creator say
Who has spent a great amount of time preparing me for this day.

Hidden Treasure
When you find yourself empty and nothing to give,
Look deeper there is a treasure there.
This digging and searching may feel like a grave
And all your work only has put you under.
Take a good grasp of the shovel and hold it up.
You will see it is a sword and you are its pirate.
Sailing the dark seas of despair,
Crossing the sands of hopelessness,
Standing your ground against those that challenge you,
You are the expedition.
The map has always been your faith.
The X marks this connection.
It is when we cannot take another step or move another stone,
The winds of change blow the last layer of sand.
Untouched and unmoved our treasure waits.
Grasping our coins we hear our music,
An expression of who we are.
Hypnotized by our own abundance,
We feed the hunger,
We shelter the homeless,
We carry the helpless.
We allow what has been removed be a wishing well for others,
And our coins are tossed in with their hopes and dreams ,
Finding their way back from which they came.
Soul Portraits
Creativity Awaits You
As a Teacher, Visionary, Poet and Artist, I am honoured to share my gifts to help others celebrate their lives and embrace the sacredness found within. I offer to create unique artworks for individuals, families, and communities that helps transform how we see the world.

Intuitively, I have been receiving multi dimensional visions for others for many years. I take these soulful experiences and transform them into meaningful, and symbolic artworks. These artworks are medicine for the soul- guiding, supporting, and transforming the receiver.
It can take over a month to create these special artworks. Much time, love and effort is placed into all my art, as I would not create something for another without myself fully loving it.
Approximate Prices
20" x 20" $850.00
24" x 24" $1050.00
30" x 30" $1750.00
40" Mandala $3150.00
Contact me today to set up a consultation.

The Bearclaw Gallery
Available Now

Star Buffalo
40" in diameter on Birch panel

Star Kissed
16" x 20" Mixed Media on Canvas
I love to create artwork. My art is colourful, joyful, and uplifting. I use acrylic paints and mixed mediums that gives each piece a three-dimensional experience. You can view artwork for sale at The Bearclaw Gallery by website or stopping by in person. The Bearclaw Gallery is located on 104 Avenue & 124 Street in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

I Came Home
A Journey of Self Actualization
It was time for me to come home.
Although I was never waking away,
Every wandering became an illusion.
Like footsteps in the sand and the wind at my back, time is erased.
The valley became hills,
The hills became a sunset,
And I was there.
I was there when the sand softened my fall.
I was there when my breath rose to meet the moon.
I was there when each star filled my eyes with light.
And although the night had its darkness and its silence,
It kept me,
It held me,
For it knew me.
And I was moved towards the dawn.
A path of red velvet light reaching out towards me.
Ribbon on ruby slippers,
I came home.

Artist In Residence
Wellness Art Workshops
The Power of Art to Transform
As a professional Teacher and Artist who has studied many graduate level courses
including Art therapy, Drama Therapy, Play Therapy, Psychotherapy, Trauma Recovery, and Grief and Loss,
it is with gratitude to provide Wellness Art Workshops that support students in their health and wellness.
For more information on
Artist In Residence , K-12 Schools,
Wellness Art Workshops, and
Professional Development,
Please click more information tab below.

Artist In Residency, Spring 2023, Thank you Alberta Foundation for the Arts and St. Paul School for this opportunity!

Smudging ceremony and art reveal at St. Paul School, June 2023.

Our Lady of Peace, K to 3 Art mural, December 2022

Our Lady of Peace School, Grades 4-6, March 2023.

60" x 48" Mural on Wooden Panel artwork with St. Benedict Elementary School, titled Standing Sacred. Small group grades 4 to 6 completed main image. All students contributed to the beaded flower motif frame.

44" Flower Butterfly Mandala created by St. Angela Elementary School, Edmonton Alberta. Small groups of grades 5 & 6 worked on main image and attaching butterflies and flowers to the round panel. Grades k through 3 painted the flowers and butterflies using Metis dot art technique. .

44" Bee Flower Mandala created by St. Angela's Elementary students. Small group of grade 5 & 6 created the bee images. Glitter & 3-D paint hexagon flowers were created by the grade 4 to 6 students and attached to the artwork.

Flower Coasters

Beaded Flower Art

Glitter & 3-D Paint Metis Flower Motif